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After briefly being cooked sufficient to neutralizing the irritating effect of the leaves, making them harmless, the plant is left to decant in a hydroalcoholic solution and then placed in the bottle. The diuretic properties of the leaves and stem, together with the sensory characteristics of the grappa, make this spirit pleasant to enjoy after meals.
Founded in 1974 by Roberto Zini, the company was initially set up as a small laboratory for the handicraft production and commercialisation of syrups used for preparing slushes and popsicles. Over the years it has established itself in the market with a wide range of distilled spirits, liquors, sweet drinks and syrups (produced, among others, for some important pharmaceutical companies).
Distillerie Zini - Via F.Petrarca,14 24052 Azzano S. Paolo - Bg
Tel.: +39 035/530585
Fax: +39 035/4511168
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